the one where I decide to exist outside of iphone photos Family, My Family, PersonalMelodee TontiMarch 2, 2015day in the life sessions, family Comment
the one about not stabbing people with forks, if at all possible my brain is weird, My FamilyMelodee TontiFebruary 26, 2015parenting Comment
the one where I swear to do better....again 365 project, my brain is weird, My Family, Personal, personal projectsMelodee TontiJanuary 12, 2015Comment
the one about strangers having weird expectations for a toddler my brain is weird, My FamilyMelodee TontiSeptember 5, 2014introverts, toddlersComment
the one about the yoga pants and the name change Family, my brain is weird, My Family, Personal, personal projectsMelodee TontiAugust 22, 2014motherhood, toddlers Comments