Op:Love - Bentley Homecoming Sneak Peek
About a month ago, I heard about an awesome organization called Operation: Love ReUnited. Op:Love is an organization where photographers volunteer their time to provide sessions for members of our military and their families. You should take a minute to check out the website. Go on. I'll wait.... If that site doesn't make you tear up even a little, you have no soul...or are a robot...or are a robot with no soul. And since I'm pretty sure my blog doesn't have a big following of robots, especially the soulless type, I am going to guess that a visit to the site gave you a good idea of how awesome a thing it is that this organization does.
So, about six days after I was accepted as a volunteer, I received an email from Jamie. Her fiance was going to be coming home from a year long deployment in Iraq, and she was wondering if I would be able to photograph his homecoming. Heck yeah. So on Sunday, I got to spend a few hours with Jamie and the family of Sgt. Jared Bentely, as they awaited his homecoming at Camp Pendleton. Here is a sneak peek of some of the images of that day, and there will be a slideshow coming later.
This is Jamie. Jamie and Jared are getting married in September.
This lovely lady is Jared's mom. She does not look like a woman who has a son old enough to be getting married, does she?
Jared's family was eagerly awaiting his arrival...and waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
I have learned that these homecomings don't actually occur on any kind of set time schedule. I believe I was told "the only four letter word the military doesn't know...is plan. " :) But the wait is well worth it.
Word comes in that they are on base.....
The buses passed and the excitement grew. And then....there was some more waiting. :) And even more waiting. And then......
So exactly what would it look like to see a mom, who hasn't seen her son in a year, finally get to see his face and know he is safe?
Enjoy your time at home Sgt.Bentley!