A Second Shooter That Works For Lollipops

So I mentioned in this sneak peek, that I had 4 year old, Ethan, use one of my backup cameras to "second shoot" with me during his family's session. Well, I wanted to share some of the images he took. The images were not cropped or messed with by me....the compositions are all his. I just sharpened them. He is quite the talented little guy. A guy who is going to put me out of work because he is sweet and adorable and likes to be paid in candy. Come to think of it.....that is not such a bad deal. If you have a session coming up, and would like to discuss paying me in candy.....or ICE CREAM!...let me know. :) Here is Ethan with my trusty old Rebel. It has a 50mm 1.8 lens on it and was set to AV  for him, for those of you interested. I think he was taking these at 2.8...but I can't remember and I am too lazy to go check the exif data. Point is....little man was not using the green box.


The next image is Ethan's sister, Emma. Ethan's view on the left and my view on the right.

ethan storyboard1

And while I was taking this image.......

grycel5 copy

Ethan grabbed this one.....

ethan7 copy

I like his better. I love it, actually. And I am a little jealous.

I am also a little jealous of this next one.

ethan1 bw copy

Is that not awesome? I did my black and white conversion on it, but nothing more than I would do to any of my own images. He just has a good eye....and a steady hand.  We were inside and using available light only. I am just so amazed with what he came up with.

I put his images from the day into a slideshow for him. It is short and sweet, so take a minute to watch it. I am sure you will be as impressed as I was. Leave him some encouragement in the comments, pretty please.

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