Time Warps and World Domination
That adorable face belongs to Chloe. I met Chloe this weekend, while shooting the weirdest session I have ever done...um....the cocker spaniel in the tutu, excluded. But...it wasn't a bad weird...just a weird weird. Let me explain. Chloe is the daughter of a friend of mine, Vuong, and his wife, Paula. I have known Vuong since we were 11. Eleven. It was very surreal to be standing in his kitchen, holding his baby girl, and looking at my son, who is about to turn 13. Thirteen. My son is older than I was when I first met Vuong. Man, did I feel old. And...weird. But I may have mentioned that.
Vuong is also one of the smartest people I have ever known. As I kid, I was sure he was destined for world domination. Apparently, ruling the planet was not his thing. But, he did meet an awesome girl that is as funny and smart as he is. And, after almost 14 years of it being just the two of them, they added Chloe to their family. When I asked what the biggest change that having a baby brought, Paula said something along the lines of...having to get used to having a new master. Interesting...and true in so many ways. Well, Vuong never became ruler of the planet, as I had predicted, but there is still Chloe. I think her face would look lovely printed on all of the new money, don't you? Once she masters crawling and eating solid food, look out world. :)
Vuong and Paula, it was great seeing you again. We really can't let our yearly dinner lapse for 8 years again. If the next time I see you guys, Chloe is 8, it will totally mess with my mind. :)
I take great care in trying to select a song that not only compliments the images, but works for the family as well. I picked the song for this slide show, after having a conversation or two about the changes having a baby can bring...including the loss of an awesome media room, that has pretty much every electronic device I have ever wanted...plus a wet bar. You are good parents, Vuong and Paula. If I had that media room, one of my kids would get the under the stairs closet for a bedroom before I would give it up.
The song is "You Ruined Everything" by Jonathan Coulton. If you have never heard of him, you should check him out. And listen to all of the words to the song before you lynch me, based on the title.
[vimeo= http://vimeo.com/14926696 w=900&h=600]